Presenting the Founder of Reducates and the Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines, the PPI Study Program Encourages Students to Anti-Radicalism

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In order to stimulate the enthusiasm and reasoning of students in the PPI Study Program, Islamic Political Thought Study Program, FDKI presented two speakers from abroad. The first speaker was Etin Anwar founder of Reducate, Professor of Religious Studies Hobary and William Smith Collage, USA. The second speaker was Ahmad Djatmiko. from the Philippine Embassy.
In his presentation, Etin Anwar said that as students, PPI study program students must be enthusiastic about studying, researching and serving the community. Meanwhile, Ahmad Djatmiko, from the Philippine embassy, ​​said that the literacy spirit of PPI study program students must continue to be encouraged. PPI Study Program students must be able to play a significant role both at the local and global levels.
In this two-hour event, the presenters also explained the stages of rejecting radicalism. According to both sources, the ways to fight radicalism are actually quite easy, one of which is by avoiding association with radicalism
The event, which was held online on September 15 2020, was attended by around 160 PPI study program students from the 2017, 2018, 2019 to 2020 classes. Melina Nurul Khofifah, 2018 PPI study program student, said that she was enthusiastic about taking part in this event. Adding benefits and a lot of knowledge that we absorb.

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