Presenting Lecturers from Mindanau State University, PPI Study Program to Conduct Scientific Discussions

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Located in the meeting room of the Faculty of Da'wah and Islamic Communication, the Islamic Political Thought Study Program held a centralized discussion. This discussion was held on Wednesday, December 14 2022. Also present in this discussion were FDKI Dean Siti Malaiha Dewi, Deputy Dean 1 Ahmad Zaini, Deputy Dean 2 Farida, Head of PPI Study Program Ozi Setiadi and all PPI Study Program lecturers.
Also present at this discussion was Miss Rica G from Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology Philippines, in delivering her material Miss Rica expressed her pride in being able to join in the event. Miss Rica is also proud of the enthusiasm of the FDKI IAIN Kudus lecturers, "I am proud of the lecturers at the PPI Study Program, they are young and full of high talent. Their literacy enthusiasm is also very high.
The discussion was attended by more than 30 people. The Dean of FDKI, Dr. Siti Malaiha Dewi, S.Sos., M.Sc. gave a welcoming speech and shared her excitement of the upcoming programs between the two institutions. Assist. Prof. Rica Mae Guarin discussed the mitigations of disaster in The Philippines. This topic attracted many more questions from the audience. Acting as the moderator of the event is Novian Uticha Sally, M.A. (Islamic Political Thought department lecturer), who raised a question about local wisdom of disaster mitigation in the Philippines which triggered some other questions from the audience. Some lecturers and students of FDKI IAIN Kudus engaged in the question and answer session that lasted up to an hour after the explanation given by Assist. Prof. Rica.
The fruitful discussion also initiated another program, which is teaching collaboration in next semester. The department of community development found the same interest as the expertise and experience of Assist. Prof. Rica. The dean of the faculty, Dr. Malaiha gave her message regarding the event, "We hope that in the future the collaboration between us will be beneficial for all of the departments and faculty members." The event was closed by giving tokens of appreciation, taking photographs together, and taking video testimonials from Assist. Prof. Rica. (Sally)

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