Attending sharing with 23 institutions in the world, the Dean of FDKI explained the spirit of building an inclusive campus

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Starting the 3rd Australia-Indonesia Research and Advocacy Network Conference which this year was held at Fisipol UGM, the Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Islamic Communication IAIN Kudus, Siti Malaiha Dewi also attended the experience sharing activity.

This experience sharing activity was attended by 23 institutions in the world, including the National Commission of Disabilities, BRIN, The Asia Foundation, Migrant Care, British Council, and dozens of other world disability care institutions.

In this forum, the Dean of FDKI explained the spirit of building an inclusive campus at the Faculty of Da'wah and Islamic Communication. Efforts made include providing a counseling service center pioneered by the BKI Study Program, collaborating with disability actors, starting to accept students with disabilities, and supporting research and service on disability issues.

In this activity, strategy mapping was also carried out regarding the agenda for realizing a university disability action plan, as well as how to strengthen multi-actor collaboration in realizing inclusive education.

Abdurrahman Kasdi, Chancellor of IAIN Kudus, said that he really supports the activities carried out by the Dean of FDKI, "I of course support all the positive steps taken by the Dean of FDKI, especially realizing an inclusive campus, of course that is our common dream," he said.

The leader of IAIN Kudus added that IAIN Kudus has also supported and started concrete steps, such as the construction of a library building that is friendly to physical disabilities, several buildings have also started to be disability friendly, then special routes will also be built for sensory disabilities and in the future Gradually the dream of an inclusive campus will be realized. (Rofiq Addians)

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