Letter of Acceptance (LoA) ICODIC 2

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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear all Presenters of ICODIC#2 2022

            Regarding the implementation of International Conference of Da’wah and Islamic Communicaton (ICoDIC) #2 organized by the Faculty of Da’wah and Islamic Communication IAIN Kudus under the theme “The Challenges of Islamic Da'wah and Communication in Global Society”, we inform that the titles of submitted articles listed in the attachment are received and we invite all presenters to present the paper in the conference that will be held on:

Day               : Tuesday

Date              : October 11, 2022

Time              : 1 p.m. – finish

Venue           : Building F, Faculty of Da’wah and Islamic Communication of IAIN Kudus (West Campus)

We believe that your contribution to this conference will give great benefit. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Here we attach the LOA for your participation

LOA ICoDIC #2 2022


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